Sunday, April 28, 2019

Vacation and Cyber Security

Summer vacations and travel plans are ON. Unfortunately, travel can open you up to many new vulnerability . It is important to strive to be as secure as possible with your digital devices and information, while on the move.. By following some smart practices, your family can connect with greater confidence during a summer escape.
Keep a clean machine: make sure all security and critical software is up-to-date on your mobile devices ,
Lock down your login: Your usernames / passwords are not enough to protect key accounts like those you use for email, banking, and social media. Fortify by multi-factor authentication.
Password protect: Use passcode or security feature likea finger swipe pattern or fingerprint  to lock your mobile device.
Think before you use that app: New apps are tempting! It is important to always download new apps from only trusted sources . Additionally, consider limiting your apps access to services on your device, like location services.
Own your online presence: Set the privacy and security settings on social media accounts, web services, and devices. It is okay to limit how and with whom you share information – especially when you are away.
Get savvy about what you do on other peoples’ Wi-Fi and systems: Do not transmit personal info or make purchases on unsecure or public networks. Instead, use your phone carrier internet service for these needs. For laptops/tablets, it is easy to use your phone as a personal hotspot to surf more securely using carrier data. Also, never use a public computer or device to shop, log in to accounts, or do anything personal. 
Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when idle: When Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are on, they may connect and track your whereabouts. Only enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when required, and disable your Wi-Fi auto-connect features.
Protect your Money: Be sure to shop or bank only on secure sites. Web addresses with ‘https://’ and a lock icon indicate that the website takes extra security measures.
Share with care: Think twice before posting pictures that signal you are out of town. Knowing you are away from home is a great piece of information for a criminal to have and they may target your home for physical crime.
 Keep an eye on your devices: Laptops, smartphones, and tablets are all portable and convenient, making them perfect for a thief to carry away! Keep your devices close to you and hold onto them if strangers approach you to talk. 

Vacation and Cyber Security

Summer vacations and travel plans are ON. Unfortunately, travel can open you up to many new vulnerability . It is important to strive to be ...